This post is not about politics... It's about my 4 year old son. He is amazing. He tells me today, while eating a dinosaur Peanut butter sandwich... thanks Renie... that he just watched Barack Obama. Oh really I reply. Yup, he says, he was on the news! Oh, I say. He then informs me that after that, something boring came on so he turned it.
Now I must say that I just love love love the way my son says Barack Obama... its all one word, and its super cute. He has also informed his father and I, that "kids picked the president". Gotta love Nick Jr. He has been very involved in this election process... he wants to know, "which team is ours." and how much points did John McCain get and how much points did the winner get?
He talks about it a lot, and the fact that he was watching CNN, listening to Barack Obama speak... just amazes me. The fact that Barack Obama kept his attention amazes me... not to mention the fact that we didn't even know he knew the name of our President Elect. We were trying to introduce the idea to him... we said... "Did you know we have a new President?" He abruptly replied... "Oh yea, BarackObama, Kids pick the President."