Well Miss Rio, you are another year older! And my OLD lady advice to you is this: Enjoy RIGHT NOW.
You are only young once, and many people try to get back those youthful years all of their lives! Enjoy them now while you are IN the moment, and continue to do that all of your life... and you will be fulfilled and happy.
Ever take a picture of a card, and the colors turn out weird? Well, the body on this zombie babe doesn't have that much orange on the creases of the arms... it is far more blended. Gotta love light reflecting.
Copics, Stickles, PMS Sentiment, Paper Piecing, Printed Background.
SBS http://simplybettystamps.blogspot.com/
& Tanja Charles
Corinne http://wishuponascrap.blogspot.com & Lisa Nelson
Irene: http://irenescardcreations.blogspot.com/
Rachel http://www.rachelstampshappy.blogspot.com/
Michelle http://www.inkandsew.blogspot.com.au/
Kathy http://kathyand3kids.blogspot.com/
Carrie : http://carriescreativecards.blogspot.co.uk/
Lucy http://loopylass2010.blogspot.co.uk/
Kaylou http://kayloucraftyblog.blogspot.co.uk/
Louise http://louisescraftycards.blogspot.co.uk/
Jill http://cuddlyscraftycreations.blogspot.co.uk
Darcy S. http://craftingwithdarcy.blogspot.com
Patricia http://preybueno.blogspot.com
Berenice http://karbersweetescape.blogspot.com
Anita http://kardmakingheaven.blogspot.co.uk
Beth http://bethscraftycorner.blogspot.co.uk/
Roz http://wolfepak5.blogspot.com
Sheri http://www.mammasscrappin.blogspot.com/
Dawn http://www.stampersgonewild.blogspot.com
Celina http://www.scrapvamp.blogspot.com
Fabi http://www.thescrappingfactory.blogspot.com
Jacki - http://papermoments.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Dove http://just4funcrafts.blogspot.com/2013/02/party-with-big-girlz.html
Katya : http://www.kattyxotica.blogspot.com/
Sharon: http://www.mrslumpys.blogspot.com/
Karen: http://kraftykarens.blogspot.com/
Trishthedish http://scrappintillthecowscomehome.blogspot.ca/
Dena: http://missdjones.blogspot.com/
Sharette: http://scrappernthemaking.blogspot.com/
Summer: http://1craftypainter.blogspot.com/
SBS http://
& Tanja Charles
Corinne http://
Irene: http://
Rachel http://
Michelle http://
Kathy http://
Carrie : http://
Lucy http://
Kaylou http://
Louise http://
Jill http://
Darcy S. http://
Patricia http://preybueno.blogspot.com
Berenice http://
Anita http://
Beth http://
Roz http://wolfepak5.blogspot.com
Sheri http://
Dawn http://
Celina http://
Fabi http://
Jacki - http://
Jennifer Dove http://
Katya : http://
Sharon: http://
Karen: http://
Trishthedish http://
Dena: http://
Sharette: http://
Summer: http://